Saturday, March 13, 2010

I just realized...I have a lot of time on my hands!

As I sat down to start copying some disks that we need for work (let's call them Back-up copies, so I don't get into any trouble) I realized that it will take approximately 15 hours to completely transfer all of the data to my computer.  Then I have to transfer that data to a portable hard drive.  That is a lot of time.  Then I started to put that into the perspective of how long I will be gone...and it seems so small.  Which lead me to thinking about a theory I have had off and on for several years about the perspective of time.  This is some major theoretical shit...of which, I am probably totally full of, but I shall dispense this theory here, to you, my 1 or two loyal readers (judging by the, really, feel free to comment and interact, otherwise I will continue to feel the loneliness of command all by myself).

Did anyone ever wonder why time seemed to drag on and on while we were sitting in school, waiting for that afternoon bell to ring?  Why when our parents used to go out and leave us with a baby sitter we didn't particularly care for, it seemed like days, rather than hours for them to return?  Aside from the undeniable truth that time flies when you are having fun (so we can discount anytime that time flies by as happening under that given truth), time drags at an ever changing pace, depending upon the perspective of the observer.  Remember, this is only my theory.  But when you are 1 day old, let's say, a day is equal to your ENTIRE lifetime, so that day, for you, has the perspective of a lifetime in length.  And a year to a 60 year old man will have the same perspective as a week to a 60 Week old baby (if that baby could actually think about such deep ca ca as this).  Do you start to see where I am going with this?  This is why our children can only sit still for 30 minutes at a time, or less even.  To them, that 30 minutes has the same perspective as several hours to an adult.  I don't think that children have such short attention spans as everyone else thinks, when you put it into perspective with their total time on this earth.  We tend to judge things with our own set of values and beliefs and experiences -- what could be more individually unique than our own perspective of how long we have been alive?   There are roughly 86400 seconds in every day.  When a new baby is born, each second has the same perspective to him (or her for gosh sake) that a minute does when he (or she, yes, thank you) is 60 days old and that an Hour does by the time he (or SHE) is almost 10 years old.  These are extreme examples, but easy to see how the perspective of time passing is all in the mind of the beholder based upon his (or her, I get it already...) total time breathing.  This is only a theory, I could be wrong, but at least I wasted some time.  My deployment will now be a few minutes shorter.

(No 'TIME' was injured, tortured or mutilated during the publishing of this was, however, KILLED!)



  1. HUH?

    You have way too much time on your hands! LOL!
    Love you Honey!

  2. Dear Jeff [or should I say Socrates]

    The Greeks have a very interesting perspective on time--I believe there is kronos and krios==one is the immediate passage of time, the other is the long term perspective--yes, I guess you do have way too much time on your hands, but it makes for interesting speculations. Loved your tribute to Susie.

    Love you,


  3. I don't think that Socrates had to deal with 30 minutes of cartoons at a time to encourage short attention spans...Now the Greek philosophers, those were some guys with nothing but time on their hands!

  4. Dear Jeff:

    I made a slight error in my comment-- Chronos is real time, the greek Kairos is the transcendental or the more spiritual aspect of time. 30 minute cartoons are more of the chronos variety!

  5. Hey! I'm an avid reader every day Jeff. It's hard to respond because from your view 8,000 miles away even the Cubs look good. Much closer up; this season is going to be brutal and I'm betting The Lou doesn't make it through the season.

    BTW, everything I know about baseball I learned from the '77 C League Tigers. What did I learn from Coach Urove? Pitching, pitching, pitching, RELIEF PITCHING, pitching,pitching, pitching....

  6. The Lou will take them to the promised land...I have faith! Sometimes I miss little league. Life was so simple then. Maybe that is why "The Sandlot" is one of my all-time favorites.
